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Savings Banks' Net Profit Dropped KRW 160.1 Billion in the 1st Half

NSP NEWS, By eunyoung Huh Journal, 2022-09-19 21:51 END8
#저축은행순익 #Savings Bank #Business Result #delinquency #NSPNEWS

(서울=NSP통신) eunyoung Huh Journal = Savings banks' net profit in Korea has decreased by KRW 160.1 billion during the first half of this year compared to the same period last year. The main reason for the loss is because the costs, including transferred amount of allowance for bad debt, have increased much more despite an increase in loans that brought more interest earnings.

According to the ‘2022 Business Report on Savings Banks in the 1st Half (Temporary)’ released by the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS), the savings banks' net profit during the term is KRW 899 .1 billion.

The FSS explained, “As more people are taking out a loan, savings banks have seen an increase of KRW 481 billion in interest earnings; however, due to an increased cost by the rise in the transferred amount of allowance of bad debt of KRW 491 billion, the combined net profit dropped.”


The total loan delinquency rate in June last year grew to 2.6% after a 0.1%p increase from last year. Delinquency rate on business loans and households went up to 1.9% and 4%, respectively, which are 0.1%p and 0.3%p higher than the end of last year.

Compared to last year, BIS capital adequacy ratio in late June slightly dropped to 12.88% but was still maintained higher than a regulatory ratio. However, the rate of increased risk-weighted assets following the increase in loans hovered over the increased BIS capital adequacy ratio.

NSP News Agency eunyoung Huh Journalist
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