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SK Innovation, Recording Social Value of KRW 3.383 Trillion... 125%↑ from the Previous Year

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Soon-ki Lee and Bok-hyun Lee, 2023-06-07 20:34 ENX7
#SKInnovation #SocialValue

(Seoul=NSP NEWS) = SK Innovation created social value of KRW 3.383 trillion in 2022 alone. This is an increase of 125%(KRW 1.6875 trillion) compared to the previous year.

Social value is measured by dividing it into ▲environmental performance ▲indirect contribution to the economy and ▲social performance.

Looking at last year’s performance by area, the environmental performance has achieved the highest level ever since social value measurement began in 2018. Innovation in the Green Portfolio centered on electric vehicle batteries and battery materials and reduction of greenhouse gases for three consecutive years created social value of 851.9 billion won, up 11%(107.8 billion won) from the previous year.


Indirect economic contribution performance increased 74%(1.5876 trillion won) year-on-year to 3.7268 trillion won, and social performance decreased 5%(7.9 billion won) year-on-year to 163.4 billion won. In particular, since last year, the social value of overseas business sites in the US, Europe, and China has been measured for the first time, and it has achieved 527.7 billion won.

ⓒNSP News Agency·NSP TV. All rights reserved.


