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Samsung Electronics Announce 22% Revenues & 95% Operating Incomes Downs in Q2 with Largest R&D Investment in Its History

NSP NEWS, By Hyun-jin Kim and Bok-hyun Lee, 2023-07-28 08:57 ENX7
#삼성전자(005930) #Q2Earnings #Revenues #LargestR&DInvestment #FacilityInvestments
NSP통신- (사진 = Bok-hyun Lee)
(사진 = Bok-hyun Lee)

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = Samsung Electronics announced its 2023 Q2 earnings of 60.01 trillion won of revenues and 670 billion operating incomes (consolidated).

The figures were 22.28% and 95.26% down YOY, respectively.

Recovery in DS business unit’s revenues failed to salvage the whole. The company showed 60.01 trillion won of revenues, a 6% decrease from its Q1 revenues, driven by declined smartphone shipments.


Although the smartphone shipments affected the operating income, again, DS unit’s decreased deficit and improved profitability from displays, TVs, and home appliances helped a small increase from the last quarter to 670 billion won.

Samsung spent 7.2 trillion won on R&D, the largest investment in its history following the last quarter's. It kept its investments for the future, spending 14.5 trillion won for facilities, which was the largest for Q2 investment.

The company expected reinforced performances across all business units in the second half of 2023 than the first half, revolving around its parts business.

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