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Hyosung TNC's 'Regen' Dustproof Suits to be Supplied to Samsung Electronics' Semiconsuctor Factory in US

NSP NEWS, By Eun-young Huh and Bok-hyun Lee, 2023-09-12 15:35 ENX7
#Regen #HyosungTNC

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = It has been reported that Hyosung TNC's 'Regen,' a dust-proof suit made from recycled fiber, will be used in a newly established Samsung Electronics semiconductor factory in the US.

Hyosung TNC produces the Regen fibers from collected PET bottles, which are then transformed into the dust-proof suits by KM, an industrial apparel manufacturer, before being supplied to Samsung Electronics.

The Regen dust-proof suits have been supplied to Samsung Electronics' Hwasung semiconductor factory in March.


Regen is a PET recycled fiber that obtained the first Global Recycle Standard(GRS) certification in the world. Hyosung TNC has recycled about 300,000 discarded PET bottles to produce dust-proof suits for the Taylor factory, which has the carbon reduction effects equivalent to 1,300 pine trees aborbing CO2 in a year.

Hyosung TNC's CEO, Chi-Hyung Kim, said,"We will take the lead in realizing eco-friendly management alongside global companies by expanding the application of Regen into industrial apparel in addition to fashion apparel."

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