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WeMade Signed Wemix Onboarding agreement for CriketFly with Gamifly

NSP NEWS, By Hyun-jin Kim and Bok-hyun Lee, 2023-12-20 16:17 ENX7
#WeMade #Gamifly #CriketFly #WEMIX
NSP통신- (사진 = WeMade)
(사진 = WeMade)

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = WeMade entered into an onboarding agreement on WEMIX Play for a blockchain-based CricketFly with Gamifly.

The Singaporean gaming company launched CriketFly in September 2022 and develops various sports blockchain games, including MotorFly and Baseball Game.

The CriketFly subjected to this onboarding agreement provides the opportunity to play cricket, which is popular in India, Pakistan, Australia, and the Republic of South Africa. The game records excellent performances, securing 3 million or more users to date.


The popular game provides various cricket content, including PvP and tournaments. In particular, team-based fighting is the heart of this game.

The global blockchain game platform, WEMIX Play, offers a wide range of game genres, such as MMORPG, SNG, FPS, sports, and strategic games.

WeMade said it plans to expand its WEMIX Play gaming ecosystem with close collaboration with gaming companies at home and abroad.

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