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Joycity Won Trademark Dispute for Its FreeStyle in China

NSP NEWS, By Hyun-jin Kim and Bok-hyun Lee, 2023-12-27 07:45 ENX7
#Joycity #FreeStyle #TrademarkLawsuit
NSP통신- (이미지 = Joycity)
(이미지 = Joycity)

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = Joycity won a trademark dispute for its basketball online game, FreeStyle, in China.

The trademark lawsuit was held in Shanghai People's Court, China, against the Chinese gaming company, Giant Interactive Group, and its subsidiary and game developer, LMD. The court ruled in favor of Joycity at the first trial.

The ruling required the Chinese developer, LMD, Chinese local publisher, Shanghai Giant, Guizhou Giant, and Giant Mobile to immediately stop breaching Joycity’s trademark, FreeStyle, and indemnify the financial damage that occurred to Joycity.


The Giant group had a publishing agreement with LMD for basketball games titled Streetball 1 and Streetball and has provided the gaming service in China.

Joycity has retained partnerships on the trademark of FreeStyle with local Chinese game companies, building a cooperation system to access wider users in China.

The latest ruling would help Joycity to expand its partnership on FreeStyle and to respond without hesitation for securing user's rights.

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