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SK Telecom Developed AI-driven Base Station Wireless Transmission and Reception Technology

NSP NEWS, By Hyun-jin Kim and Bok-hyun Lee, 2024-02-22 22:59 ENX7
#SKTelecom #NTTDocomo #NokiaBellLabs #NTT #AI-BaseSTNCommTech
NSP통신- (Photo = SK Telecom)
(Photo = SK Telecom)

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = SK Telecom announced it developed an AI-driven wireless transmission and reception technology for future 6G mobile telecommunication. It finished a proof of concept in cooperation with NTT Docomo, NTT, and Nokia Bell Labs.

The technology combines base station transmission and reception technology with AI technology to prepare for the 6G era of converged AIs in communication. The four companies tested the technology in the lab, channel emulator environment, and over-the-air (OTA) context.

In the lab test, the AI-driven base station modulation and demodulation technology communicate an average of 10% faster.


SK Telecom said it would display and demonstrate the development and result, including the 6G simulator with NTT Docomo, at MWC24 in Barcelona, Spain, on February 26.

The Korean telecommunication company said it would continue to cooperate with the three collaborators to train AI models and to research to determine the appropriate use case and feasibility for the AI-driven technology based on hands-on network operation experience as a mobile carrier by using wireless environment data from commercial networks.

ⓒNSP News Agency·NSP TV. All rights reserved. Prohibits using to train AI models.


