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Bank of Korea and Financial Authorities, “Real Estate PF, Risk Transfer Potential Extremely Limited”

NSP NEWS, By Soon-ki Lee and Soo-in Kang, 2024-03-21 16:57 ENX7

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = With the U.S. Federal Reserve(Fed) freezing interest rates at the 5.25-5% level at the Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC), related agencies, including the Minister of Strategy and Finance, examined the impact on the financial and foreign exchange markets and discussed ways to respond.

On the 21st, participants agreed that “the FOMC’s decision is expected to contribute to maintaining stability in international financial markets,” but that “given the recent divergence in monetary policies of major countries such as the Bank of Japan and the U.S. Federal Reserve, we cannot rule out the possibility of volatility, so we must respond in close coordination with related institutions.”

At the meeting, participants analyzed that the domestic financial and foreign exchange markets have recently shown an overall improvement in the stock market thanks to the inflow of foreign stock funds due to efforts to support corporate valuations.


The exchange rate also maintained a similar trend to that of major countries, and the situation was evaluated to be good, with corporate bond and short-term interest rates continuing to stabilize. In addition, it was agreed that potential risks such as secondary financial institutions and real estate PF could be sufficiently managed.

In the case of real estate PFs, the delinquency rate of loans is rising slightly, but it was assessed that a soft landing is underway by providing timely liquidity to healthy businesses and restructuring those that lack business viability. Participants also recognized that the financial sector itself is sufficiently resilient, so the risk of risk spillover to other sectors is extremely limited.

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