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SK Networks, Selecting Affinity as Preferred Negotiating Party for Sale of SK Rent-a-Car

NSP NEWS, By Soon-ki Lee and Bok-hyun Lee, 2024-04-17 08:51 ENX7
#SKNetworks #Affinity #SKRent-a-Car

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = SK Networks has selected Affinity Equity Partners(Affinity) as the preferred negotiating party for the sale of its subsidiary SK Rent-a-Car and plans to further accelerate the transition to an artificial intelligence(AI)-based business model across the company and its subsidiaries.

SK Networks announced on the 16th that it plans to designate Affinity as the preferred negotiating party for the sale of SK Rent-a-Car shares and proceed with due diligence and other processes for the main contract.

The expected sale amount is around 850 billion won, and there is a possibility of some changes during future negotiations on specific conditions.


Affinity, which was selected as the preferred negotiating party, increases the value of companies with growth potential by implementing investment and support based on a long-term vision.

SK networks will help facilitate the future process, including due diligence, while strengthening efforts to develop AI-centric business models and secure new growth engines.

ⓒNSP News Agency·NSP TV. All rights reserved. Prohibits using to train AI models.


