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LG Electronics, Achieving Highest Sales in 1Q... Operating Profit 10.8%↓

NSP NEWS, By Soon-ki Lee and Bok-hyun Lee, 2024-04-25 22:51 ENX7
#LGElectronics #HighestSales #1Q

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = LG Electronics announced its first quarter consolidated sales of KRW 21.0959 trillion and operating profit of KRW 1.3354 trillion. Sales increased by 3.3% compared to the same period last year, and operating profit decreased by 10.8%.

Its current main business, home appliances, has once again confirmed its global top-level business competitiveness with record-high sales and a double-digit record operating profit rate. The automotive electrical and electronic equipment, a future growth engine, has continued to grow steadily and steadily. The TV and business solution businesses also succeeded in increasing sales and turning a profit compared to the previous quarter.

Company-wide sales are the highest ever in the first quarter. This sales volume is significant as it was achieved by introducing business methods that enable continuous sales and profit generation, such as subscriptions, and by continuing to grow in B2B(business-to-business), which has great opportunities.


In particular, a differentiated market strategy to respond to polarization in demand by strengthening premium competitiveness with differentiation factors such as AI, energy efficiency, and customer-centered design was effective, while diversifying the lineup and price range.

As of the first quarter, company-wide operating profit has exceeded 1 trillion won for five consecutive years since 2020.

ⓒNSP News Agency·NSP TV. All rights reserved. Prohibits using to train AI models.


