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GCGenome Provide Enhanced Organ Transplant Rejection Test

NSP NEWS, By Hyun-jin Kim and Bok-hyun Lee, 2024-04-27 08:49 ENX7
#GCGenome #OrganRejectionTest #OrganRejection
NSP통신- (Image = GCGenome)
(Image = GCGenome)

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = GCGenome, a specialized company in clinical genome analysis, enhances the organ transplant rejection test (dd-cfDNA testing).

The test for organ transplant rejection targets patients with heart, kidney, lung, and/or liver transplants and can track organ transplant rejection and transplanted organs with a simple blood draw.

In particular, it brings meaningful change by solving in·con·ven·ience in the existing test methods for determining liver transplant rejection events.


The previous method used tissue biopsy, affecting patients' bodies through the discontination of routine medication, hospitalization, and fasting. Also, the risk of contradictions, including hemorrhage, infection, and damaged transplant, may follow.

The CEO of GCGenome says, “Our noninvasive test uses blood, so it lacks the hustle and bustle of tissue biopsy and provides convenient testing. We recommend patients experience our organ transplant rejection test” and adds, “Our test would help diagnose immune rejection early and treat the issue just in time.“

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