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NSP Medical News

Luxell Anti-aging Clinic, “What if I could turn back time?”(1)

NSP NEWS, By 도남선 기자, 2013-10-21 18:14 END1
#Luxell #Clinic #anti-aging #technology #koreamedical
[NSP Medical News] Luxell Anti-aging Clinic, “What if I could turn back time?”(1)

[서울=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = The recent public interest with younger looking appearance is linked to the increase in anti-aging technology. It's certain that one has thought of the age-old question: What if I could turn back time?

The miracle of turning back time. Today, I'm here at the very site of such miracle.

The anti-aging technology of Luxell Clinic is the cutting-edge leader in this medical field. By revitalizing cell regeneration, Luxell provides the newest technology that stemmed from research and development studies of pharmaceutics.


Luxell services are safe and legitimate procedures that have been approved by the Office of Patent Administration for its scientific excellence in regenerative or blood transfusion techniques.

When injected, the principle behind is restoring and reproducing cellulation by preserving the blood without any damage once it's been collected from a patient's vein.

Through this procedure, you can manage your internal health by fundamental treatment of blood, and of course, on top of anti-aging effect.


“If you can manage to preserve blood for over 3 days without freezing them, there are great elements in the blood for cell restoration. The Luxell technique here is using the week or more preserved blood to restore and reproduce cells. The technique at the Luxell Anti-aging Clinic is patented and scientifically proven”

Luxell Anti-Aging Clinic proudly provides you with patented technology and procedures that no other clinics offer.

The patent involves a composite technique regarding the preservation of this blood platelet.

It is now pending international patent approval.

It is also in process of certification for new research purpose medicine regarding domestic commercial services.


“Once extracted, what restores cellulation and reproduces cells is a blood platelet, and this first photo is the initial stage of extraction. This platelet is what makes healthy cells and these dark spots contain growth factors that reproduce and restore cells. After 3 days, the platelet enlarges like in this picture and as you can see, the growth factor spots are also bigger. In lapse of over a week, the platelet necessary for regeneration becomes this size”


Medical composites prevent any damage to the platelet and preserve the blood fresh.

The beauty of our body truly lies in with our natural ability to regenerate what has been damaged.

With their eyes on cell reproduction, Luxell Anti-Aging Clinic is clearly turning back time.

럭셀 안티에이징 클리닉 - NSP Korea Medical News


도남선 NSP통신 기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 한국의 경제뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


