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Jinju National Bullfighting Contest(9)

NSP NEWS, By 도남선 기자, 2013-11-04 16:22 END1
#NSPTV #Jinju #Bullfighting #yudeungfestival #koreafestival
[NSPTV] Jinju National Bullfighting Contest(9)

[서울=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = Proud of its long history and tradition, The Jinju National Bullfighting Contest was first held in 1897. NSP news brings you stories from the 121st Jinju National Bullfighting Contest that ended its 5-day adrenaline rush on October 7th.

"You wanna see a bullfight? You gotta go to Jinju."This saying shows how popular The Jinju Bullfighting once was.

Its mascot, Maengwoo, also has an interesting story.


Maengwoo was a famed bull in Jinju during the Japanese occupation.

Dressed in white, Maengwoo symbolizes Jinju's resistance to Japanese imperialism.


Held in Panmun-dong near Lake Jinyang, The 2013 Jinju Bullfighting Contest was reformed to 6 weight classes from the original 3: Baekdu, Hangang, and Taebaek.

The contest started with a weigh-in and a draw on the 2nd followed by the opening ceremony on the 4th and the much anticipated final at 2pm on October 7th.

The highlight of any knockout tournament: The Final.

Engaging his enemy cautiously in search for that moment of attack. Merciless headbutts. The intensity and the atmosphere between the two beasts were more than enough to make one's palms sweat.

After numbers of consistent attacks, one bull retreats and the winner is decided.

The Jinju National Bullfighting Contest started off in the white sands of Namgang river and fought through its way during the Japanese occupation til now. It is told that once the contest was over, neighbors from all corners of the city were soaked in joy of festivity.

The lively tradition of our ancestors was right here at The 121st Jinju National Bullfighting Contest.

This was Donovan Yoon, NSP News.

한국대표축제, 2013 진주남강유등축제, Korea Festival, Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival, 진주전국민속소싸움대회, 소싸움대회

도남선 NSP통신 기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 한국의 경제뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


