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The 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival(12)

NSP NEWS, By 도남선 기자, 2013-11-04 17:02 END1
#NSPTV #Gaecheon #jinju #festival #koreafestival
[NSPTV] The 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival(12)

[경남=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = The pioneer of regional arts festival and the gateway to success in arts, The 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival, ended on the 10th of October.

This year's event closed its 8-day festivity after a night long jubilation.

Let's take a look at what happened during the 8 days of the art festival.


The 63rd hosting was selected as the representative festival of Gyeongnam province this year, and the state-sposored event seeked for the next phase of glamour.

A variety of 10 events consisted of 64 events scheduled this year was more than one could enjoy.

With the Battle of Jinju as its main theme, it was a competition without a competition for the citizens to participate in.

Especially, the Gaecheon Art Festival successfully reenacted a costume parade of General Kim Si-min's inauguration and the victory of Imjin War by storytelling his epic last year.

NSP통신- (by Jinju City)
(by Jinju City)

In other noticeable event, a night costume parade took place in the evening of the 3rd from Jinju Middle School to the Jinju fortress for the first time ever.

Over 900 performers put on a show for those who simply wanted have fun.

The highlight of the Gaecheon Art Festival was held at 6:30 in the evening of the 10th: Hanmadang Commemoration of the Battle of Jinju.

The closing ceremony displayed a vivid past of the civilian and government army as a whole during the Imjin War 421 years ago. Once the citizens' performance in the Gwangmi intersection ended, the joint Hanmadang show soon followed.

The 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival closed successfully with its goal of achieving popularization and creatiity of folk art.

The Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival and the Gaecheon Art Festival!

I hope the two festivities set the standards for the history and tradition of Korea in many years to come.
From NSP News, Donovan Yoon.

NSPTV, 한국대표축제, 진주남강유등축제, Korea festival, Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival, 개천예술제, 종야축제

도남선 NSP통신 기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 한국의 경제뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


