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Namgang is more beautiful than the light of the stars(13)

NSP NEWS, By 도남선 기자, 2013-11-04 17:15 END1
#NSPTV #JinjuFestival #yudeungfestival #Koreafestival #진주남강유등축제
[NSPTV] Namgang is more beautiful than the light of the stars(13)

[경남=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = Above the darkened river of Namgang, colorful lights slowly awake.

The yudeung of hope slowly luminate the night sky of Jinju. Their friends shyly peek out and join the rest.

Spectacular rows of yudeung float ever so gently on the calm river. The breathtaking sight of the Jinju Fortress catches the eyes of bystanders. A breeze of autumn wind heads toward the Jinju Fortress across the night carrying the bright lights of yudeung.


Below the Cheoksok Fortress, the floating yudeung decorated the autumn nights of Namgang River. The bravery of Shilla dynasty's Hwarang soldiers, a myterious tale of the Yongdari and the golden carp: the pleasantries of our ancestors lit up the river in their own ways. The yudeung festival originates from the days of the Battle of Jinju by means of communication. Representing Korea, yudeung is now lighting up as a global cultural activity reaching out to people as it once did to its people in the past.

NSP통신- (by Jinju City)
(by Jinju City)

Once the fireworks started, people were just fascinated with the scenes of yudeung. The musical fountain show only added to the joyfulness of the night. Watching the seven colors of the rainbow, the fountain show was simply priceless.

The historical background of the yudeung festival, the Jinju Fortress, has turned back time to 500 years ago. Each one of our customs has been brought back to life by yudeung: a birth of a newborn, a prayer of peace to a totem pole, and young men pallbearing of a colorful casket. It would be a no surprise if they pop out right in front of your own eyes. The nights of Jinju Fortress filled with bright yudeung lights are just as energetic as the men with swords and spears in the past.

A night after night, this was a place where scholars and warlords seeked for elegant evenings lit up with beautiful green and blue lanterns.

Thirteen days of yudeung festival was more than enough to wash away our worries and hardships of life floating down the peaceful river of Namgang.

NSPTV, 진주남강유등축제, 한국대표축제, 2013진주남강유등축제, Korea festival, Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival

도남선 NSP통신 기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 한국의 경제뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


