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LG Display develops and applies eco-friendly packaging material

NSP NEWS, By Geul-sam Kwon and Bok-hyun Lee, 2024-12-23 14:47 ENX7
#LG Display #Eco-friendly #Packaging material

(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = LG Display, in collaboration with Hanwha Solutions, developed eco-friendly cushioning packaging made of Post-Consumer Recycled(PCR) for electronic components.

PCR refers to materials that have been sorted and recycled from plastics that have already been used.

The new packaging material utilized PCR that meets Global Recycled Standard(GRS) and is certified by Control Union, an international certification body for eco-friendly products.


LG Display will start applying this eco-friendly packing material for automotive display panels starting from January next year, and will gradually expand its application across other product categories.

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