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Samsung SDS becomes the largest shareholder of CMC

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-07-30 12:15 END7
#Samsung SDS #CMC

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = In Vietnam, Samsung SDS and CMC(CMC Corporation) on July 26th agreed to the contract followed by the prior agreement of strategic investment they had made in May.

Through the contract, Samsung SDS will take part in board of directors as the largest shareholder by acquiring CMC’s stake.

CMC with around 3000 employees in Vietnam is specialized in IT industry including SI, Software development, Cloud and IT infrastructure management.


This strategic investment will make Samsung SDS have strategies for Vietnam market by combining IT infrastructure and sales network from CMC with its own technology. They are also looking forward to business expansion in Southeast Asia.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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